I do my "Daily Bread" everyday at lunch almost all the time during the week. Today, I want to keep a record of it to remind myself and also share with my friends who happen to read my blog (with my own edits). :)
Western novelist Stephen Bly says that in the days of America’s Old West there were two types of friends (and horses): runners and standers. At the first sign of trouble, the runner would bolt—abandoning you to whatever peril you were facing. But a stander would stick with you no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t know which kind of friend you had until trouble came. And then it was too late—unless your friend was a stander.
Rather than being concerned with what kind of friends we have, however, we ought to consider what kind of friends we are. Proverbs tells us that “a friend loves at all times” (17:17). During times of adversity, we need friends we can rely on. When the people we know face trouble, what kind of friend will we be—a runner or a stander?
I think this applies not only to friends, but what kind of parent, husband/ wife we are? At times of trouble, do we stand by our kids, our spouse regardless of how sad and uncomfortable the situations make us feel? For example, one day your kid has an accident and wet his/her pants in a fancy restaurant while you are having the best time of your life with your friends and family, how would you react? Embarrassed? Ashamed of your kid? Or react with love and comfort your kid telling him/ her that it doesn't matter, I will help you with it? I must confess, very often I would react with embarrassment and shame instead of love.
"In times of trouble" does it mean "Big troubles" or even trivial problems in life? Are you willing to be there anyway for "Big and Small" troubles?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Officially the most Horrible mom of the month
I think overall, I am a pretty good mom. I avoid buying take-out for my kids, I cook nice food for them, make sure they are warm and comfortable, try to be there for them whenever I can....etc. I think I generally deserve a "good mom" title.
Things changed after yesterday. Yesterday (Thursday), Emma's school threw a party for all the kids that have birthdays in October. The teachers sent home notes to parents asking for the birthday kids to bring in something for the party. We were assigned to get 20 bags of small size snack chips for Emma to take to school. Wednesday night, I went home really late, and all of a sudden I remembered we need to get the chips for Emma. So I told Derek and Derek said, it's ok, Shoppers Drug Mart closes at midnight, it's only 9:30pm we still have time. Since Derek said he would go out to get it, it got off my mind. Sure enough, Thursday afternoon as I was driving back to work after my appointment, I was thinking about Emma and her birthday party at school then I suddenly remember we didn't go out at all on Wednesday night to get the chips!!!! I felt terrible. How could we forget? I called the school and asked the teacher if the party was over and if I should run and get something to make up for it. The teacher told me the party was already going on and there were plenty of food other parents got for the kids to share. (hmm... so other parents didn't forget).
Haunted by this horrible feeling of being a loser mom, I went home after work. Trying to tell myself to relax and convince myself that I am not that bad a mom. so I went in the shower, as I was thinking to myself "what a relaxing evening today. We will go over to my in-laws for dinner, Emma has martial art class and Derek will pick her up....OOPS, where is JACK!!! I forgot to pick him up!!!" I jumped out of the shower and called Derek. Derek was so worried about me 'cos he called me many times and no one answered (I was in the shower). The school called Derek and asked if anyone was picking up Jack. So Derek was on his way to pick up Jack.
How can I forget about Jack?
That night, Emma told me "mom you forgot to send me stuff to bring to school" (I was secretly hoping she doesn't know about it) and I said "how did you know? who told you?" and Emma said, "everyone told me". OUCH! I felt so bad, I said "I am so sorry Emma, it was my fault. I forgot to get the chips for you and send it to school".... being sweet as always, Emma said "it's not your fault mommy, don't worry about it. it's ok".
So yes, I have only two kids and I already forgot both of them. I think that makes me the worst mom of the month. Sigh.
Things changed after yesterday. Yesterday (Thursday), Emma's school threw a party for all the kids that have birthdays in October. The teachers sent home notes to parents asking for the birthday kids to bring in something for the party. We were assigned to get 20 bags of small size snack chips for Emma to take to school. Wednesday night, I went home really late, and all of a sudden I remembered we need to get the chips for Emma. So I told Derek and Derek said, it's ok, Shoppers Drug Mart closes at midnight, it's only 9:30pm we still have time. Since Derek said he would go out to get it, it got off my mind. Sure enough, Thursday afternoon as I was driving back to work after my appointment, I was thinking about Emma and her birthday party at school then I suddenly remember we didn't go out at all on Wednesday night to get the chips!!!! I felt terrible. How could we forget? I called the school and asked the teacher if the party was over and if I should run and get something to make up for it. The teacher told me the party was already going on and there were plenty of food other parents got for the kids to share. (hmm... so other parents didn't forget).
Haunted by this horrible feeling of being a loser mom, I went home after work. Trying to tell myself to relax and convince myself that I am not that bad a mom. so I went in the shower, as I was thinking to myself "what a relaxing evening today. We will go over to my in-laws for dinner, Emma has martial art class and Derek will pick her up....OOPS, where is JACK!!! I forgot to pick him up!!!" I jumped out of the shower and called Derek. Derek was so worried about me 'cos he called me many times and no one answered (I was in the shower). The school called Derek and asked if anyone was picking up Jack. So Derek was on his way to pick up Jack.
How can I forget about Jack?
That night, Emma told me "mom you forgot to send me stuff to bring to school" (I was secretly hoping she doesn't know about it) and I said "how did you know? who told you?" and Emma said, "everyone told me". OUCH! I felt so bad, I said "I am so sorry Emma, it was my fault. I forgot to get the chips for you and send it to school".... being sweet as always, Emma said "it's not your fault mommy, don't worry about it. it's ok".
So yes, I have only two kids and I already forgot both of them. I think that makes me the worst mom of the month. Sigh.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
誤會, 釘子, 且慢下手, 寬大
I want to share with you and also keep these stories as reminder for myself. Touching and heart breaking at the same time.
1.誤會 :
尚且會有如此可怕 嚴 重的後果,這樣人與人之間的誤會,
2.釘子 :
3.且慢下手 :
4.寬大 :
1.誤會 :
尚且會有如此可怕 嚴 重的後果,這樣人與人之間的誤會,
2.釘子 :
3.且慢下手 :
4.寬大 :
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
May I borrow $25
I was heating my lunch today in the lunch room, and saw this posted on the bulletin board... I was crushed after reading it. I hope you will enjoy reading it too.
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
Friday, August 28, 2009
My little baby Part II
Yesterday, I took Jack to the pediatrician who gave him some medicine that will clear his congestion and help with the cough. After seeing the doctor, I took Jack to the bakery and got him a piece of sponge cake, which he loves. We got home early, so I cooked him U-don noodle, which is his & Emma's favorite food for dinner. He ate very nicely, we had a good time together watching Dora and reading books. Then came 8pm, Jack was very sleepy and start rolling on the floor. I thought it would be good to put him to bed.
I tried every method you can think of. All the methods you read in books and watch on TV, I tried, and Jack still wouldn't go to bed. He would climb out of his crib, come out and keep crying. He wanted me to sleep with him on the sofa, just like the night before when he wasn't feeling well. The battle went on until 11:30pm. Derek suggested that he stand by the wall until he is willing to go to bed. So he stood there for about 2 hours. YES, 2 hours and he insisted mommy sleeps with him. By 11:30pm, he suddenly crash and fell asleep on the floor. That's when I picked him up and put him to bed. He slept through until 8:20am this morning.
It was an heart-breaking experience. If it wasn't for Derek's encouragement and persistence, I would've given in. Watching my little baby cry with his half opened eyes... it was heart-breaking. One thing I know, Jack is a very headstrong kid and given the right motivation he will persevere until the end.
I tried every method you can think of. All the methods you read in books and watch on TV, I tried, and Jack still wouldn't go to bed. He would climb out of his crib, come out and keep crying. He wanted me to sleep with him on the sofa, just like the night before when he wasn't feeling well. The battle went on until 11:30pm. Derek suggested that he stand by the wall until he is willing to go to bed. So he stood there for about 2 hours. YES, 2 hours and he insisted mommy sleeps with him. By 11:30pm, he suddenly crash and fell asleep on the floor. That's when I picked him up and put him to bed. He slept through until 8:20am this morning.
It was an heart-breaking experience. If it wasn't for Derek's encouragement and persistence, I would've given in. Watching my little baby cry with his half opened eyes... it was heart-breaking. One thing I know, Jack is a very headstrong kid and given the right motivation he will persevere until the end.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My little baby
Jack is not feeling well. He was coughing the whole night last night and couldn't sleep well. He would try to sleep and then wake up coughing badly. My poor baby. The only comfort he finds was with mommy holding him, patting on his back and walking around. So we sat on the sofa the whole night, drifting off to sleep from time to time and when he coughed, mommy would pat on his back and Jack would drift back to sleep. I guess this is the time when Jack learns that he can trust mommy to be there for him whenever he needs her. This is the bonding time. I keep on imagining 10, 15 years from now, when Jack is all grown up, will I still have a chance to hold him like this? To give him support whenever he needs it. Maybe 20-30 years from now, he would be the one patting my back when I cough.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thought for the Day
Have you thought about the things/ people that matter the most to you?
Have you thought about how much time you spend doing those important things or time with those important people?
What do you think is least important in your life?
How much time do you spend doing those "least important" things?
How much time do you spend watching TV, playing video games?
How much time do you spend with your family? (i.e. spouse, parents, children)
Have you thought about how much time you spend doing those important things or time with those important people?
What do you think is least important in your life?
How much time do you spend doing those "least important" things?
How much time do you spend watching TV, playing video games?
How much time do you spend with your family? (i.e. spouse, parents, children)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn to respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
-- by Dorothy Law Nolte
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn to respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
-- by Dorothy Law Nolte
Friday, August 14, 2009
Princess Emma and Prince Jack Jack Part II
Tuesday nights, Emma has ballet lessons and usually Mommy will take Emma to the ballet lesson and then go grocery shopping in the meantime.
Mommy took Prince Jack Jack along once, thinking he might like some alone time with Mommy. It turned out that Prince Jack Jack wouldn't leave the ballet studio and had to stand at the door watching other kids take ballet lessons. He would immitate their moves and keep knocking on the door asking the teacher to let him in. After that exhausting experience, mommy learnt her lesson and keeps Prince Jack Jack at home with King Daddy. On Tuesday night, while mommy was out with Emma, Prince Jack Jack was at home with King Daddy and had a real bad accident. Prince Jack Jack forgot that mommy was out with Emma, so he tried looking everywhere for mommy. Climbed up the stairs desperately and ... slipped ... bit his tonge and scraped his knees. Luckily he didn't fall all the way down the steep staircase but King daddy said the bleeding on his tongue took a long time to stop. The day after that, whenver Prince Jack Jack eats, his tongue would start bleeding again. Of course after that traumatic experience, Prince Jack Jack wakes up 1-2 times at night. On top of that, mommy took Emma out for a walk on Wednesday night without him... another traumatic experience... Prince Jack Jack is just going nuts at night.
Mommy is so exhausted from waking up at night, so at 3:30am Thursday, mommy couldn't help but let out on Prince Jack Jack telling him how tired she was and he needed to let her go back to sleep.
Prince Jack Jack, usually screams and cries and kicks when things don't go his way and when mommy "sounds mean". But this time, he just kept quiet, crawled up slowly onto mommy and rub his face on mommy's cheek. Hugged mommy really tight and fell asleep on mommy.
Mommy felt sooooo guilty, thinking "he probably will not hug me like this very soon. And so I have to wake up but this is my quality time with my precious prince. This is our own private time together"...
Mommy took Prince Jack Jack along once, thinking he might like some alone time with Mommy. It turned out that Prince Jack Jack wouldn't leave the ballet studio and had to stand at the door watching other kids take ballet lessons. He would immitate their moves and keep knocking on the door asking the teacher to let him in. After that exhausting experience, mommy learnt her lesson and keeps Prince Jack Jack at home with King Daddy. On Tuesday night, while mommy was out with Emma, Prince Jack Jack was at home with King Daddy and had a real bad accident. Prince Jack Jack forgot that mommy was out with Emma, so he tried looking everywhere for mommy. Climbed up the stairs desperately and ... slipped ... bit his tonge and scraped his knees. Luckily he didn't fall all the way down the steep staircase but King daddy said the bleeding on his tongue took a long time to stop. The day after that, whenver Prince Jack Jack eats, his tongue would start bleeding again. Of course after that traumatic experience, Prince Jack Jack wakes up 1-2 times at night. On top of that, mommy took Emma out for a walk on Wednesday night without him... another traumatic experience... Prince Jack Jack is just going nuts at night.
Mommy is so exhausted from waking up at night, so at 3:30am Thursday, mommy couldn't help but let out on Prince Jack Jack telling him how tired she was and he needed to let her go back to sleep.
Prince Jack Jack, usually screams and cries and kicks when things don't go his way and when mommy "sounds mean". But this time, he just kept quiet, crawled up slowly onto mommy and rub his face on mommy's cheek. Hugged mommy really tight and fell asleep on mommy.
Mommy felt sooooo guilty, thinking "he probably will not hug me like this very soon. And so I have to wake up but this is my quality time with my precious prince. This is our own private time together"...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Princess Emma and Prince Jack Jack
First, let's start with Princess Emma.
Princess Emma likes to talk. Whenever mommy asks her to stop talking for a minute, she'd stop for barely one second and start talking again. When mommy doesn't respond, Emma keeps asking "Mommy? Mommy? are you listening? Mommy? Mommy?....M...." until mommy gives in. Princess Emma can talk consecutively without break for at least 15 minutes. Then maybe a sip of water and start all over again. What she talks about? "what's that sign we just passed?", "I love princesses and I wish I can be one", "When can we go to Wonderland again?", "what's for dinner tonight?", "why can't I eat noodles every night?", "can I go to Chloe's house?", "you know I really like that skirt of yours, can you keep it for me?".... YES, 90% of her "talking" is asking mommy questions. It's irritating enough when mommy is driving in afternoon peak hour traffic trying to weave through the traffic quickly to get home and make dinner, it's even worse when Jack Jack is around because Princess Emma's talking becomes "Mommy, Jack Jack took my toy without asking!", "mommy, Jack Jack hits me", "mommy, Jack Jack pushed me", "mommy, Jack Jack is climbing up the stairs"....etc. What is mommy doing at the same time? Mommy is trying to cook, wash dishes, do laundry, bath Jack Jack...etc. Mixed in with Emma's "inquiries" and "complaints" is Prince Jack Jack's screaming, crying, and hanging on mommy's leg.
So yesterday, after dinner, mommy suddenly had an idea. Mommy finished washing dishes, grab Princess Emma and went out for a walk. Yes, leaving behind Prince Jack Jack, whose screaming and crying broke mommy's heart but mommy left with Princess Emma anyway.
It was a 20min walk (or less), mommy devoted 100% attention to listening to Princess Emma and suddenly she realised Princess Emma is telling her what happened at school. They had a magician came in to entertain the kids, Princess Emma told her all the little details about the magician's tricks... and for the FIRST TIME asked mommy, "so mommy, how was your day? what did you do at work today?" It turned out to be a TWO-WAY conversation, not just "one-way talking, you answer me". Mommy felt so guilty about leaving Prince Jack Jack behind (with King Daddy) but it was good quality time with Princess Emma.
What happened with Prince Jack Jack?... to be continued....
Princess Emma likes to talk. Whenever mommy asks her to stop talking for a minute, she'd stop for barely one second and start talking again. When mommy doesn't respond, Emma keeps asking "Mommy? Mommy? are you listening? Mommy? Mommy?....M...." until mommy gives in. Princess Emma can talk consecutively without break for at least 15 minutes. Then maybe a sip of water and start all over again. What she talks about? "what's that sign we just passed?", "I love princesses and I wish I can be one", "When can we go to Wonderland again?", "what's for dinner tonight?", "why can't I eat noodles every night?", "can I go to Chloe's house?", "you know I really like that skirt of yours, can you keep it for me?".... YES, 90% of her "talking" is asking mommy questions. It's irritating enough when mommy is driving in afternoon peak hour traffic trying to weave through the traffic quickly to get home and make dinner, it's even worse when Jack Jack is around because Princess Emma's talking becomes "Mommy, Jack Jack took my toy without asking!", "mommy, Jack Jack hits me", "mommy, Jack Jack pushed me", "mommy, Jack Jack is climbing up the stairs"....etc. What is mommy doing at the same time? Mommy is trying to cook, wash dishes, do laundry, bath Jack Jack...etc. Mixed in with Emma's "inquiries" and "complaints" is Prince Jack Jack's screaming, crying, and hanging on mommy's leg.
So yesterday, after dinner, mommy suddenly had an idea. Mommy finished washing dishes, grab Princess Emma and went out for a walk. Yes, leaving behind Prince Jack Jack, whose screaming and crying broke mommy's heart but mommy left with Princess Emma anyway.
It was a 20min walk (or less), mommy devoted 100% attention to listening to Princess Emma and suddenly she realised Princess Emma is telling her what happened at school. They had a magician came in to entertain the kids, Princess Emma told her all the little details about the magician's tricks... and for the FIRST TIME asked mommy, "so mommy, how was your day? what did you do at work today?" It turned out to be a TWO-WAY conversation, not just "one-way talking, you answer me". Mommy felt so guilty about leaving Prince Jack Jack behind (with King Daddy) but it was good quality time with Princess Emma.
What happened with Prince Jack Jack?... to be continued....
Friday, August 7, 2009
Mid-Life Crisis
I have been contemplating if I should write about this. It sounds really silly yet I think everyone (if not every women/ every mom) goes through this at some point in their lives. And so I am 32, yup, no secret. I am 32 , married, a working mom of two kids ages 2 and 5. I wake up, repeat the same old routine each day. Have the same (or at least look almost the same) hair style for the last 3 years, wear the same clothes/ same style of clothes for the past decade (still can wear some clothes bought back from early university years, yup no kidding)... all of a sudden I start to wonder, what's more in life? is this it?
Starting with one single thought, then a chain of events happened.
1. I started cleaning out my closet and determined to give away "older" clothes even the ones in perfect condition or haven't been worn that much.
2. I chopped off my long hair and perm it!! Now hold your imagination... it is not that "oriental old lady cauliflower hair style" you are thinking of. It's more a Bob hair style.
3. Went for a facial. (I haven't gone for at least 2 years and the package coupon of 13 sessions I bought from year 2003 still has 6 sessions left)
4. Went into a shopping spree phase for the past 2 weeks. Went downtown to shop on Queen W (which I haven't done in the past 5 years). Went and bought a new make-up set (which I haven't done in the past 3 years)
5. Signed up for a ladies only Boot Camp
Conclusion: I am convinced I am going through what is known as "Mid-life crisis"
1. Everyone likes my new hair style (which makes me like it. I didn't like at all at first)
2. Everyone thinks I look better and start asking me what I did. (just people from work though, my hubby doesn't seem to notice)
3. I feel better about myself.
4. Nearly broke from all the spending.
5. Have some insightful thinking.
I think I am done with my "mid-life crisis make-over", although my girl friend told me "the shopping and the make over is never done!!!", at least I feel like I am done for now. I don't think it is all the "things" I bought that make me happier. I think it is the "time" I spent for myself and on my own that makes me feel better. When I am out shopping or doing my own things, I missed my kids and wonder how my hubby manages with them. I still cannot stop myself from getting things for my kids, especially for my beautiful daughter, when I shop. Yet, I am glad I did go out. Then I found out:
1. My hubby does very well without me
2. My kids can survive (at least for a short while) without me
3. When I do see them again I am less grumpy and tend to think more rationally when they throw a fit.
4. Found out more about my girl friends and their lives, which puts me back into perspective that everyone goes through sort of the same problems in life, not just me and I am doing not too bad.
5. I can still look pretty.
6. I must get over this Mid-life crisis and the crazy shopping phase before I get totally broke and my hubby finds out how much I spent!!!
7. Life is still good.
Starting with one single thought, then a chain of events happened.
1. I started cleaning out my closet and determined to give away "older" clothes even the ones in perfect condition or haven't been worn that much.
2. I chopped off my long hair and perm it!! Now hold your imagination... it is not that "oriental old lady cauliflower hair style" you are thinking of. It's more a Bob hair style.
3. Went for a facial. (I haven't gone for at least 2 years and the package coupon of 13 sessions I bought from year 2003 still has 6 sessions left)
4. Went into a shopping spree phase for the past 2 weeks. Went downtown to shop on Queen W (which I haven't done in the past 5 years). Went and bought a new make-up set (which I haven't done in the past 3 years)
5. Signed up for a ladies only Boot Camp
Conclusion: I am convinced I am going through what is known as "Mid-life crisis"
1. Everyone likes my new hair style (which makes me like it. I didn't like at all at first)
2. Everyone thinks I look better and start asking me what I did. (just people from work though, my hubby doesn't seem to notice)
3. I feel better about myself.
4. Nearly broke from all the spending.
5. Have some insightful thinking.
I think I am done with my "mid-life crisis make-over", although my girl friend told me "the shopping and the make over is never done!!!", at least I feel like I am done for now. I don't think it is all the "things" I bought that make me happier. I think it is the "time" I spent for myself and on my own that makes me feel better. When I am out shopping or doing my own things, I missed my kids and wonder how my hubby manages with them. I still cannot stop myself from getting things for my kids, especially for my beautiful daughter, when I shop. Yet, I am glad I did go out. Then I found out:
1. My hubby does very well without me
2. My kids can survive (at least for a short while) without me
3. When I do see them again I am less grumpy and tend to think more rationally when they throw a fit.
4. Found out more about my girl friends and their lives, which puts me back into perspective that everyone goes through sort of the same problems in life, not just me and I am doing not too bad.
5. I can still look pretty.
6. I must get over this Mid-life crisis and the crazy shopping phase before I get totally broke and my hubby finds out how much I spent!!!
7. Life is still good.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
John Chrysostom's insights on the value of friends: “Such is friendship, that through it we love places and seasons; for as . . . flowers drop their sweet leaves on the ground around them, so friends impart favor even to the places where they dwell. With friends even poverty is pleasant. . . . It would be better for us that the sun were exhausted than that we should be without friends.”
I was going out with my girlfriends last weekend. Counting our fingers... we have known each other for almost 2 decades!! We don't see each other much, we don't even talk much but when we met up, it was like old days all over again. We went shopping, and we would pick out clothes for each other saying "that's your style"... we seem to know each other better than we know ourselves.
"A friend is the first person who comes in when the whole world has gone out."... this is so true. I am so blessed to have such good friends.
I was going out with my girlfriends last weekend. Counting our fingers... we have known each other for almost 2 decades!! We don't see each other much, we don't even talk much but when we met up, it was like old days all over again. We went shopping, and we would pick out clothes for each other saying "that's your style"... we seem to know each other better than we know ourselves.
"A friend is the first person who comes in when the whole world has gone out."... this is so true. I am so blessed to have such good friends.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Life, Love, Chocolate
This is what I read today and found it a very good reminder:
"It was the morning of his ninth wedding anniversary. Not having a lot of money, the writer ran out to get his wife, Heidi, their favorite French pastry—pain au chocolat. After sprinting several miles, he arrived home, exhausted, to find her in the kitchen just pulling a chocolate-filled croissant out of the oven. It was pain au chocolat.
That husband, Jeff, compared his life with Heidi to the lives of the people in O. Henry’s short story “Gift of the Magi.” It tells of a man who sold his lone possession of value—a pocket watch—to buy hair combs for his wife, who had sold her long, beautiful hair to buy a gold chain for his watch."
Life, love, and chocolate taste better when shared with others!! Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up with tedious daily routine. Relationships become dull and life becomes dull too. But let us not forget how to love.
"It was the morning of his ninth wedding anniversary. Not having a lot of money, the writer ran out to get his wife, Heidi, their favorite French pastry—pain au chocolat. After sprinting several miles, he arrived home, exhausted, to find her in the kitchen just pulling a chocolate-filled croissant out of the oven. It was pain au chocolat.
That husband, Jeff, compared his life with Heidi to the lives of the people in O. Henry’s short story “Gift of the Magi.” It tells of a man who sold his lone possession of value—a pocket watch—to buy hair combs for his wife, who had sold her long, beautiful hair to buy a gold chain for his watch."
Life, love, and chocolate taste better when shared with others!! Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up with tedious daily routine. Relationships become dull and life becomes dull too. But let us not forget how to love.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My Little Prince
Once upon a time there is a Little Prince, his name is Jack Jack. Prince Jack Jack is a very active boy - he climbs, he jumps, he pulls, he ripes, he bumps, he screams, he cries, he runs, he giggles, he laughs.... He is one stubborn little prince that needs a lot of patience, love and discipline.
Since the birth of Prince Jack Jack, mommy has quite intensive vocal exercises since she needs to scream/ yell from far away to stop Prince Jack Jack from doing silly and dangerous activities such as - climbing up to the table and jumping down, somersault on sofa (landed once on his head on the hardwood floor, thank God he wasn't badly hurt besides the big bruise on his head), and running full speed and knocking Princess Emma over. Whenever Prince Jack Jack is around, mommy needs to pay 120% attention, which has trained mommy to have supersonic hearing. Sometimes at the middle of the night, mommy can even wake up 5 seconds before Prince Jack Jack starts to cry (note with both mommy and Prince Jack Jack's bedroom doors closed). Besides the vocal and hearing exercises, mommy has also mastered sprinting. You see, mommy must out run Prince Jack Jack to prevent him from running into danger. One example would be the moment Prince Jack Jack gets unstrapped from the car seat and land on the ground. He would struggle off mommy's grip and dashes off into the parking lot, which is EXTREMELY dangerous. Most of the time, mommy could hang on to Prince Jack Jack's arm (thanks to mommy's nice tennis grip) but once in a while, Prince Jack Jack would succeed and dashes off. In such cases, mommy would be able to sprint in world record speed and retrieve Prince Jack Jack.
20 months after the arrival of Prince Jack Jack, mommy has become almost "super human" and also grown 10 years older due to the lack of sleep, rest and much added stress. Sometimes mommy even misses those days when she was free, relaxed, well rested.......
Then something amazing happened one day......
One night, at 1:34am, Prince Jack Jack cried and screamed at the top of his lungs for mommy... as usual, zombie mommy dragged her tired body into Prince Jack Jack's room, carried him from his crib down the stairs and into the kitchen.... pull out the mid-night magic - "Cheerio" pour it into Prince Jack Jack's bowl, sit his majesty down on his table and Prince Jack Jack started settling down to eat his favorite food... while zombie mommy is sitting half asleep beside Prince Jack Jack, Prince Jack Jack suddenly turned to look at mommy with a big grin on his face and said "Ma Ma, Yeah! Yeah!" and at the same time pumping his little arms like he is cheering for mommy for all her hard work. Mommy instantly woke up, sleepiness all gone... grab Prince Jack Jack and kissed him non-stop for at least a minute.
From then one, Prince Jack Jack has been throwing little surprises like that to mommy once in a while to cheer mommy up. Yesterday, Prince Jack Jack also did something impressive. Mommy was tidying things up as usual after dinner. While mommy was kneeling down on the floor tiding up the garbage bags to take outside, mommy felt a little tuck behind her... as she turned, she saw Prince Jack Jack has brought her the little stool to sit on (his favorite stool that he takes with him everywhere). "It's ALL worth it" mommy thought.
This is how the story of My Little Prince begins....
Since the birth of Prince Jack Jack, mommy has quite intensive vocal exercises since she needs to scream/ yell from far away to stop Prince Jack Jack from doing silly and dangerous activities such as - climbing up to the table and jumping down, somersault on sofa (landed once on his head on the hardwood floor, thank God he wasn't badly hurt besides the big bruise on his head), and running full speed and knocking Princess Emma over. Whenever Prince Jack Jack is around, mommy needs to pay 120% attention, which has trained mommy to have supersonic hearing. Sometimes at the middle of the night, mommy can even wake up 5 seconds before Prince Jack Jack starts to cry (note with both mommy and Prince Jack Jack's bedroom doors closed). Besides the vocal and hearing exercises, mommy has also mastered sprinting. You see, mommy must out run Prince Jack Jack to prevent him from running into danger. One example would be the moment Prince Jack Jack gets unstrapped from the car seat and land on the ground. He would struggle off mommy's grip and dashes off into the parking lot, which is EXTREMELY dangerous. Most of the time, mommy could hang on to Prince Jack Jack's arm (thanks to mommy's nice tennis grip) but once in a while, Prince Jack Jack would succeed and dashes off. In such cases, mommy would be able to sprint in world record speed and retrieve Prince Jack Jack.
20 months after the arrival of Prince Jack Jack, mommy has become almost "super human" and also grown 10 years older due to the lack of sleep, rest and much added stress. Sometimes mommy even misses those days when she was free, relaxed, well rested.......
Then something amazing happened one day......
One night, at 1:34am, Prince Jack Jack cried and screamed at the top of his lungs for mommy... as usual, zombie mommy dragged her tired body into Prince Jack Jack's room, carried him from his crib down the stairs and into the kitchen.... pull out the mid-night magic - "Cheerio" pour it into Prince Jack Jack's bowl, sit his majesty down on his table and Prince Jack Jack started settling down to eat his favorite food... while zombie mommy is sitting half asleep beside Prince Jack Jack, Prince Jack Jack suddenly turned to look at mommy with a big grin on his face and said "Ma Ma, Yeah! Yeah!" and at the same time pumping his little arms like he is cheering for mommy for all her hard work. Mommy instantly woke up, sleepiness all gone... grab Prince Jack Jack and kissed him non-stop for at least a minute.
From then one, Prince Jack Jack has been throwing little surprises like that to mommy once in a while to cheer mommy up. Yesterday, Prince Jack Jack also did something impressive. Mommy was tidying things up as usual after dinner. While mommy was kneeling down on the floor tiding up the garbage bags to take outside, mommy felt a little tuck behind her... as she turned, she saw Prince Jack Jack has brought her the little stool to sit on (his favorite stool that he takes with him everywhere). "It's ALL worth it" mommy thought.
This is how the story of My Little Prince begins....
Monday, June 15, 2009
My Day Off
Today, my princess Emma is sick. Since last night, she has been having a fever. Apparently many children are having this "fever-cough" thing these two weeks. Due to the H1N1 panic, I immediate take the day off and took Emma to see the pediatrician. He said Emma is fine, just stay home, drink lots of fluid and keep on taking Advil to control the fever. I asked him if she has H1N1, not that she has been out of town, but who knows where the kids from her class has been to?! The doctor told me it's hard to say, nowadays, it doesn't really matter because H1N1 is actually just like any other flu, just keep an eye on her and keep her at home. As long as it doesn't get severe, she should be able to fight it off like any other flu.
Feeling relieved, I thought why not take advantage of today and relax. So Emma and I went shopping! We first went grocery shopping to get some fruit and vegetables. Then we went to the bakery to get some bread and egg tart for Jack Jack (he loves egg tarts). Feeling like cheering up my little princess (I rarely buy her any toys, usually just books because I think some toys actually can 'limit' the creativity of a child) I thought "why not get Emma a tea party set today". Emma loves playing tea party, usually she will play at her friend's house. The good thing about Emma is that she doesn't nag me to buy her toys. One time she even said to me, "I really like that mommy but we don't need to buy it, I don't want to waste money. We have other toys at home" I was so touched!!
We went through every aisle in Toys R us, we looked at almost everything except the video games and baby sections. (note, Emma didn't ask me to get her anything, she just said "that's nice, this is nice too, oh look mommy, they have Thomas here.." she just really enjoy walking around looking at things). At the end, I told Emma, "mommy was thinking maybe I will get you a tea party set, would you like that?" and Emma was so excited, jumping up and down. So we found a pretty nice tea party set. Then, I saw some aluminum water bottle that are customized with names. We spent another 20min looking for Emma's name. At first we couldn't find it, but with the help of the salesperson, we found it at last. We also saw some nice princess prints wall borders, I thought, Emma's room is pretty plain compare to some other girls' room, maybe I should help Emma decorate it. Of course Emma loves it. After spending two hours there, we checked out. As we were walking out, we saw some sand boxes display outside the store. Emma saw them and said "wow, so nice"... I asked her if she really want one, she said "yes mommy, I love playing with sand" So I said if daddy said yes then we would buy it. We called daddy up, daddy talked to Emma on the phone... and said "ok, if she really likes it, we can get it. She can play with Jack in the backyard in the evening before dinner" that's better than watching TV I suppose.
Then, we made our last stop at Home Depot to get some play sand. My friend told me Home Depot has very good quality beach sand. So I haul this 20kg of play sand, 3 ft dia. sand box, bags of grocery, toys... back home.
While Princess Emma is napping after taking some Advil to keep her temp down; I prepared soup for tonight, fold laundry, and planning to pack away the winter clothes and pull out summer clothes for myself and Jack Jack (maybe for Emma too if I have time). Gee, what a busy day. But so happy too. Throughout today, I couldn't help but keep on thinking how blessed I am. Such beautiful kids, sweet hubby....
Feeling relieved, I thought why not take advantage of today and relax. So Emma and I went shopping! We first went grocery shopping to get some fruit and vegetables. Then we went to the bakery to get some bread and egg tart for Jack Jack (he loves egg tarts). Feeling like cheering up my little princess (I rarely buy her any toys, usually just books because I think some toys actually can 'limit' the creativity of a child) I thought "why not get Emma a tea party set today". Emma loves playing tea party, usually she will play at her friend's house. The good thing about Emma is that she doesn't nag me to buy her toys. One time she even said to me, "I really like that mommy but we don't need to buy it, I don't want to waste money. We have other toys at home" I was so touched!!
We went through every aisle in Toys R us, we looked at almost everything except the video games and baby sections. (note, Emma didn't ask me to get her anything, she just said "that's nice, this is nice too, oh look mommy, they have Thomas here.." she just really enjoy walking around looking at things). At the end, I told Emma, "mommy was thinking maybe I will get you a tea party set, would you like that?" and Emma was so excited, jumping up and down. So we found a pretty nice tea party set. Then, I saw some aluminum water bottle that are customized with names. We spent another 20min looking for Emma's name. At first we couldn't find it, but with the help of the salesperson, we found it at last. We also saw some nice princess prints wall borders, I thought, Emma's room is pretty plain compare to some other girls' room, maybe I should help Emma decorate it. Of course Emma loves it. After spending two hours there, we checked out. As we were walking out, we saw some sand boxes display outside the store. Emma saw them and said "wow, so nice"... I asked her if she really want one, she said "yes mommy, I love playing with sand" So I said if daddy said yes then we would buy it. We called daddy up, daddy talked to Emma on the phone... and said "ok, if she really likes it, we can get it. She can play with Jack in the backyard in the evening before dinner" that's better than watching TV I suppose.
Then, we made our last stop at Home Depot to get some play sand. My friend told me Home Depot has very good quality beach sand. So I haul this 20kg of play sand, 3 ft dia. sand box, bags of grocery, toys... back home.
While Princess Emma is napping after taking some Advil to keep her temp down; I prepared soup for tonight, fold laundry, and planning to pack away the winter clothes and pull out summer clothes for myself and Jack Jack (maybe for Emma too if I have time). Gee, what a busy day. But so happy too. Throughout today, I couldn't help but keep on thinking how blessed I am. Such beautiful kids, sweet hubby....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I remember when my friend's mother passed away, she was very sad and depressed. I couldn't understand her feelings, I tried to comfort her in the best way I could. Now looking back, my words probably didn't comfort her much. I realise what it means to really being able to comfort someone... is to "have been there" and share the same kind of pain the other person is feeling. It's so much easier to share happiness because everyone likes happiness. Everyone is willing to share your happiness. Everyone can find a way to relate to happiness. Yet, the burden of sadness, that's a different story. Even the closest person to you may not be able to share your burden of sadness. Not because that person doesn't want to share with you your sadness, it is his/ her ability to understand and relate that make them incapable. Who wants/ likes to get themselves in the deep pain when they "don't have to"? It's only intuitive for human to avoid "pain", it's self protective nature. Yet, if that person has been there, has experienced it, he/ she can connect with your feelings immediately. He/ she may not even need to say one comforting word, but just be there and shed tears with you and you already feel better, like someone has taken part of the burden away.
I miss my dad. I miss him and regret for not spending more time with him. Yes, he has his new family, his new life but that doesn't change the fact that I am still his blood related daughter. I feel so stupid now that I look back all the worries that prevented me from seeing him more, for caring for him more. At the end of the day, what matters? Other people's feelings? Other people's view? All I wish now is to be there for his last breathe, for his last few minutes on earth that I was there with him. To be there to say a last prayer with him, to hold his hand, to kiss him good-bye.
I miss my dad. I miss him and regret for not spending more time with him. Yes, he has his new family, his new life but that doesn't change the fact that I am still his blood related daughter. I feel so stupid now that I look back all the worries that prevented me from seeing him more, for caring for him more. At the end of the day, what matters? Other people's feelings? Other people's view? All I wish now is to be there for his last breathe, for his last few minutes on earth that I was there with him. To be there to say a last prayer with him, to hold his hand, to kiss him good-bye.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Emma and Jack Jack
Emma didn't eat her lunch again today. She took one bite, she didn't like it and she left it, went with a hungry stomach for the whole day just because she didn't like the sandwich I made her. Sigh, my stubborn little girl. I was so angry when I saw her lunch box, I started raising my voice. Not only did I worry about her health, angry with her pickiness, I am also sad to see the wasted food. I really hope she will grow out of her pickiness. Hearing me raise my voice and Emma started crying, Derek just said in his annoyed voice "can I have some quietness please?" That just fueled my anger further. Of course, my voice got even louder and Emma got more scared. I went to continue cooking dinner (at the same time, on top of the crying and mommy yelling, Jack Jack has to scream and asked to be picked up, he was hungry). Emma was told to stand at the corner until she stops crying and calmed down. Poor girl. Five minutes later, I hear this little voice whispering, "mommy, I want to pray for you....so you don't get mad.... be nice to me mommy". My heart softened, I picked her up and hugged her tight. We both calmed down. I explained to her why I was angry and we prayed together for patience and love for each other. Meanwhile, dinner was still cooking, Jack Jack had to come pull Emma away as he saw that mommy was holding sister but not him and he was still very hungry....
This is my life, my everyday life. Boring but challenging.
This is my life, my everyday life. Boring but challenging.
Monday, February 16, 2009
V-day and Family Day

How long has it been? Must have been more than 4 years. It's been more than 4 years since Derek and I went on a trip alone, without kids. Lately, it has been really exhausting. Work has been stressful, kids have been demanding, housework never ending. I felt burn out, trapped, boring. Daily life is just so boring. I thought to myself, is this it? Life is just like this, rush to work, rush home, cook dinner, rush rush rush, sleep... get up and start the rush routine all over again? Where did romance go? Where did excitement go?
More frustrating besides the stressful boring daily life, is to feel neglected and not appreciated. Thank God, my friend bought me a book called "How we love", I think everyone should read this book. It talks about understanding people, people that matter in your lives. It talks about how we become the persons we are today, from our childhood experiences, experiences that are stored in our subconscious memories. It talks about the different personality type or referred to as imprints in the book. The book is absolutely amazing, not only did I find out more about myself and why I react in certain ways, I learnt more and understand more about my own husband, whom I thought I know very well. Also, I learn about how I treat my kids will affect how they turn out as adults, as parents later on in their lives. From my perspective I felt un-loved, un-appreciated; yet, I found out that it was my husband's personality type - or imprints- that prohibited him from showing his compassion. He was just simply not taught to show love. It doesn't mean he doesn't love me. The book is good in a way that it doesn't only tell you which imprint you fall into, it talks about how you can overcome your short falls. In short, there's hope. We can all overcome our short falls in our imprints, as long as we understand ourselves and be persistent in trying.
I talked to my husband about how I felt, in honesty and with love. Let him know that I am not trying to change him or pressure him, just want to be able to love him more and be better couple together. Be happier parents to provide happier home to our kids. Thank God, for His grace and mercy, Derek did listen and try to understand even though to him it was very hard.. almost like understanding another language. Derek made the effort of taking me on a 2-day trip to Montreal (mini-Paris as he referred) for a romantic alone getaway. Two-day trip was not a long time but he knew I would miss the kids too much if we went longer (he was right). It was short but it really revive the romantic memories. It revived our feelings for each other. It helped us focus on each other for 2 days, no computer, no work, no kids. After this trip, we both agreed we should have this getaway trip every year, just the two of us.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
God Bless America
Today is a historical day not only in American history but also in the world history. The 44th President of United States - Barack Obama, the first black American President!! I am not a politics follower but even I made the effort to sneak out of work at lunch today to watch the inauguration. The inauguration started off with an opening prayer which in my point of view was the most touching part. I especially like the part that goes "[God] Bless us with humility – open to understanding that our own needs must always be balanced with those of the world"and the prayer ended in saying the "Lord's prayer"
I don't know Barack Obama and what he has done before he became the president of USA, as I said, I don't follow politics and especially not the American politics. Yet, I feel touched seeing him becoming the first black American President. Can you imagine the number of black kids out there looking up to him and the hope Obama presents to these kids? Just imagine, parents telling their kids "if a black African immigrant can climb his way up to become the most powerful man on earth, you can also do it too kid, there's hope!"
I especially like Obama, not knowing what he has done or will do, base on the fact that he came from middle/ lower class family and worked his way up. He wasn't born into a "Presidential" family like George Bush, he worked hard to come to this day. He has seen people across different classes face different challenges, he doesn't take things for granted, he knows humility. I like the part of his speech that says
I don't know Barack Obama and what he has done before he became the president of USA, as I said, I don't follow politics and especially not the American politics. Yet, I feel touched seeing him becoming the first black American President. Can you imagine the number of black kids out there looking up to him and the hope Obama presents to these kids? Just imagine, parents telling their kids "if a black African immigrant can climb his way up to become the most powerful man on earth, you can also do it too kid, there's hope!"
I especially like Obama, not knowing what he has done or will do, base on the fact that he came from middle/ lower class family and worked his way up. He wasn't born into a "Presidential" family like George Bush, he worked hard to come to this day. He has seen people across different classes face different challenges, he doesn't take things for granted, he knows humility. I like the part of his speech that says
"Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends — honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism — these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task."
How we all need these awakening words, not just Americans. Honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism, these values are so hard to find nowadays. Are we not of a generation full of "fast tracking", "work smart, not work hard", "if someone else can do it, let them do it", "let money work for us, we don't need to work hard, that's old school".... etc. It's such sad phenomenon yet so overwhelmingly popular, it's hard to fight and stand firm on your own values. As a parent, I worry for my kids. Try as hard as I might, I cannot be sure that these "old school" values can be taught well to my children that when temptations come, they will still stand firm on these "old school" values. Even I am not sure I myself can stand firm when tempted. How glad and touched I was when I heard Obama spoke those words!! May God Bless Obama, Bless America and Bless the rest of the world through this newly inaugurated President.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
All of a sudden, I am thinking of a bunch of "oldies" songs:
"I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be ..."
Looking at my children, how I can not marvel at God's creation and His amazing love? How can I not give thanks and feel blessed. How can anyone look at a new born baby and believe we are a product of some random evolution? Every part of our body so perfectly designed, so beautiful. I remember holding my new born baby for the very first time, and this rush of intuitive love just rushed into my heart. The minute the nurse handed him to me, as I held him, he stopped crying instantly, slowly opened his eyes, and beamed me the most amazing smile, showing his two cute little dimples. At that moment, I felt no pain, no worry, just pure joy. I couldn't stop but kept kissing him. Filled with amazement, felt so blessed. My children, they are truly gifts in my life.
Looking at my children grow, it really gives me a chance to "grow" once more. Things that I missed as a child, I get a "second chance" to try them out. It's amazing how I remember my childhood (feelings in particular) so vividly. I get to learn to sing children's songs I never knew before, I get to play with toys I wanted but never got before, I get to watch the cartoons I never watched as a child, I get to read fairy tales I never read before. But better, I get to relive my childhood with my own children!! How amazing is that?!
As I "relive" my childhood this second time, I am starting to understand my parents more. I understand why things happened the way they did and the difficulties my parents faced before. At the same time, I understand my children too when they did what seems to be "bad things" in other people's eyes. I remember myself doing and acting the same way as a child too.
Looking at my children, I sometimes wish I can just think and act like them, in such simplicity, with such pure heart. Whatever they want, they just point to it and let you know they want it. When they are sad, they cry, when they are happy, they laugh. Very simple, very direct. Sometimes when my daughter, Emma cries, I tell her to stop crying, but you know what, I shouldn't tell her to stop. I didn't before, when she was younger, I used to just hold her close to me until she stops. What happened? As we grow, people expect us to hide our feelings, is that what it is? We made our children complex, don't we? We should really let them be children while they can still "be children".
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Freezing in the Cold
I don't recall in my past 20 years living in Toronto that it has been this cold, or it's extra cold when Derek is not here?
I think on top of "snow storm days" when we get off work and school, we should also get "extreme cold days" off too. Days like this should be spent in a warm home, sipping away a cup of hot chocolate, put our feet up and read a good book while sitting beside the fireplace. Then when it comes time to eat, we should have "hot pot" and have a feast at home with our loved ones. After eating, with full and warm bodies, we should play some Wii games to burn some energy. At night, we should just sit and watch a good movie before we go to sleep in our warm beds. No work, no worries, no rush, no coldness, that's how I think "Extreme Cold Days" should be spent.
I think on top of "snow storm days" when we get off work and school, we should also get "extreme cold days" off too. Days like this should be spent in a warm home, sipping away a cup of hot chocolate, put our feet up and read a good book while sitting beside the fireplace. Then when it comes time to eat, we should have "hot pot" and have a feast at home with our loved ones. After eating, with full and warm bodies, we should play some Wii games to burn some energy. At night, we should just sit and watch a good movie before we go to sleep in our warm beds. No work, no worries, no rush, no coldness, that's how I think "Extreme Cold Days" should be spent.
Everyday Mom
Have you ever had disappointments with your parents as a child? Did you ever say to yourself, "When I grow up and have my own kids, I will definitely not do this to him/ her"? Well, I have and I wrote in my diary, when I was 12-years-old, that when one day I have my own kid, "I will not do....etc... to him/her". The one I remember the most is "I will not tell my kids to shut up". I remember as a child, my parents were always busy, away from me, whenever I see them, I would love to talk to them and ask them lots of non-sense questions. One time, my parent told me off and said "will you just shut up?" The feeling of rejection was so impressed that I still remember today.
And so, I enter motherhood with many fantasies, I have it all planned out how I want to bring up my kids. I read books after books on parenting. I tabbed the Bible on verses referring to how to bring up a child. I was sure I would be a good mom. Then, my first child came, my little angel, Emma. She is the most precious and blessed gift from God. She has good temperament, she listens when I told her to. Even when it came time to her "terrible two", it lasted only for a few days and she was back to my little angel. I read to her as much as I could, play with her as much as I could, pray with her, take her to church with me, basically take her everywhere with me except for work. I was sure I was half way through to being the "GOOD MOM". As time goes by, work gets heavier, daily chores seems never ending, no matter how early I wake up in the morning, I still find myself rushing and losing my patience. Everyday is like "fighting a war" the minute I get up. I start to spend less and less time with Emma, not to mention ever since the introduction of new member Jack Jack. I start raising my voice, yelling across the living room and yes... I must confess, I shocked myself one time hearing myself said "Shut up Emma"!!
What happened? I look in the mirror sometimes and find this cranky woman looking back at me with messy hair... I can hardly recognise myself. What happened to this gentle, kind and patient mommy I fantasised myself to be? Why am I so stressed?
One time I broke down and start sobbing... I can't do this. How can I manage all these things. There are just too many things to do... from preparing breakfast, packing lunches, getting the kids ready for school and go to grandma's house, to making dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry, bathing the kids, reading stories, play with them, tug them in bed, prepare food to tomorrow's dinner, then take a bath myself... and it's already 11pm.... and still some laundry to fold!! That's not the end... now that Emma is in JK, there is homework I need to help her with ALREADY. The teacher said she is "falling behind" in school. "Mrs. Lai, I hope you will spend some time with her with her school work and help her catch up".. that's what her teacher said. Where do I find the time??? I felt like screaming.
Is this what it takes to be a "Good mom"? Something is not right. I don't find myself enjoying Emma anymore, or at least not as much as I did before. Not that I don't love her, I still lover her dearly, I would do anything for her but something is not the same anymore. I used to smile when she smiles. When she cries I would run to her and hug her until she stops. I remember the first thing she said when she first went to school (she was only 18months) and she told the teacher "Emma happy, mommy happy". That's how it was like. But now, I am blinded by all the daily chores and stress in life... and pressured by my own "good mom" standard... I lost the one most important thing... enjoying and building relationship with my children.
Suddenly it strikes me as I was reading this verse:
"But there's only one thing you need. Mary has chosen what is better, and it is not to be taken away from her."- Luke 10:42
For those of you who are not familiar with the bible story, this story started with Jesus visiting Martha's house. Martha was so thrilled to have Jesus come stay with them that she was running around preparing dinner, cleaning the house, getting rooms ready, while her sister Mary, just sat by Jesus' side, listening to His teaching. So Martha was angry and asked Jesus, "Lord, you do care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself, don't you? Then tell her to help me." Surprisingly Jesus replied by saying "But there's only one thing you need. Mary has chosen what is better, and it is not to be taken away from her."
Don't we all lose sight of what's important in our lives sometimes? Is a tidy home more important then my daughter's feelings? If not why do I scream at her when she forgot to tidy up her toys? Is a clean house more important then spending quality time with my children? If not why do I spend hours cleaning and washing while I lose patience with my children for the 15min I spent with them? Is a bigger house and prettier clothes more important then my children's happiness and closeness to us? If not why do I prioritise my job and my time to my job over my devotion to my children? Why would I rather spend hours shopping for pretty clothes for my children, rather than just sitting quietly at home and spend quality time with them?
Lately, I am reading a book called "Nurturing your child's soul". This is such a good book to read for those of you who are parents to little kids. I am not done reading it but one of the important points I learnt already is just being there, my presence, with my children is already good enough. We don't have to planned a day packed with exhausting activities, we could simply be silly together at home. I tried this, I try sitting there quietly and just watching them play, all of a sudden, I find myself having new insights to my children's characters. Just by watching them play, you will see their true colors shining through. (or not so nice colors then at least you find out the problem now and can think of ways to help them overcome that)
Alright, another important thing about being a mom is discipline, which means I must stop typing now and go to bed. Otherwise I will be cranky again tomorrow. Good Night.
And so, I enter motherhood with many fantasies, I have it all planned out how I want to bring up my kids. I read books after books on parenting. I tabbed the Bible on verses referring to how to bring up a child. I was sure I would be a good mom. Then, my first child came, my little angel, Emma. She is the most precious and blessed gift from God. She has good temperament, she listens when I told her to. Even when it came time to her "terrible two", it lasted only for a few days and she was back to my little angel. I read to her as much as I could, play with her as much as I could, pray with her, take her to church with me, basically take her everywhere with me except for work. I was sure I was half way through to being the "GOOD MOM". As time goes by, work gets heavier, daily chores seems never ending, no matter how early I wake up in the morning, I still find myself rushing and losing my patience. Everyday is like "fighting a war" the minute I get up. I start to spend less and less time with Emma, not to mention ever since the introduction of new member Jack Jack. I start raising my voice, yelling across the living room and yes... I must confess, I shocked myself one time hearing myself said "Shut up Emma"!!
What happened? I look in the mirror sometimes and find this cranky woman looking back at me with messy hair... I can hardly recognise myself. What happened to this gentle, kind and patient mommy I fantasised myself to be? Why am I so stressed?
One time I broke down and start sobbing... I can't do this. How can I manage all these things. There are just too many things to do... from preparing breakfast, packing lunches, getting the kids ready for school and go to grandma's house, to making dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry, bathing the kids, reading stories, play with them, tug them in bed, prepare food to tomorrow's dinner, then take a bath myself... and it's already 11pm.... and still some laundry to fold!! That's not the end... now that Emma is in JK, there is homework I need to help her with ALREADY. The teacher said she is "falling behind" in school. "Mrs. Lai, I hope you will spend some time with her with her school work and help her catch up".. that's what her teacher said. Where do I find the time??? I felt like screaming.
Is this what it takes to be a "Good mom"? Something is not right. I don't find myself enjoying Emma anymore, or at least not as much as I did before. Not that I don't love her, I still lover her dearly, I would do anything for her but something is not the same anymore. I used to smile when she smiles. When she cries I would run to her and hug her until she stops. I remember the first thing she said when she first went to school (she was only 18months) and she told the teacher "Emma happy, mommy happy". That's how it was like. But now, I am blinded by all the daily chores and stress in life... and pressured by my own "good mom" standard... I lost the one most important thing... enjoying and building relationship with my children.
Suddenly it strikes me as I was reading this verse:
"But there's only one thing you need. Mary has chosen what is better, and it is not to be taken away from her."- Luke 10:42
For those of you who are not familiar with the bible story, this story started with Jesus visiting Martha's house. Martha was so thrilled to have Jesus come stay with them that she was running around preparing dinner, cleaning the house, getting rooms ready, while her sister Mary, just sat by Jesus' side, listening to His teaching. So Martha was angry and asked Jesus, "Lord, you do care that my sister has left me to do the work all by myself, don't you? Then tell her to help me." Surprisingly Jesus replied by saying "But there's only one thing you need. Mary has chosen what is better, and it is not to be taken away from her."
Don't we all lose sight of what's important in our lives sometimes? Is a tidy home more important then my daughter's feelings? If not why do I scream at her when she forgot to tidy up her toys? Is a clean house more important then spending quality time with my children? If not why do I spend hours cleaning and washing while I lose patience with my children for the 15min I spent with them? Is a bigger house and prettier clothes more important then my children's happiness and closeness to us? If not why do I prioritise my job and my time to my job over my devotion to my children? Why would I rather spend hours shopping for pretty clothes for my children, rather than just sitting quietly at home and spend quality time with them?
Lately, I am reading a book called "Nurturing your child's soul". This is such a good book to read for those of you who are parents to little kids. I am not done reading it but one of the important points I learnt already is just being there, my presence, with my children is already good enough. We don't have to planned a day packed with exhausting activities, we could simply be silly together at home. I tried this, I try sitting there quietly and just watching them play, all of a sudden, I find myself having new insights to my children's characters. Just by watching them play, you will see their true colors shining through. (or not so nice colors then at least you find out the problem now and can think of ways to help them overcome that)
Alright, another important thing about being a mom is discipline, which means I must stop typing now and go to bed. Otherwise I will be cranky again tomorrow. Good Night.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Love, Hate, Death
I used to love reading love stories, especially the ones with happy endings. As I grow up, reality hits and I start to think "love stories" remain stories, it doesn't happen in real life and I stop reading them.
Have you ever love someone so much that you think you'd do anything for him/ her? Then one day, you realise the person whom you trust and love so much turns out to be a hypocrite. He/she actually uses your trust and love to hurt you. What do you do? Disappointments, frustrations, and hatred slowly starts to boil up. You run away from that person as far as you could and hope you'd never see or have to talk to him/her again. And you wonder, will I ever be able to stop hating that person? Will I ever be able to forgive that person? Slowly, you start to forget or seem to forget about this person, you move on with life. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to forgive that person one day, time cures everything.
One day, you get a phone call, you hear the news that the person whom you loved and hate has leukemia, your hands start shaking, the palm of you hands start sweating, tears start rolling down your cheeks... and you wonder, do I actually still love that person? Scenes of the past comes flashing before your eyes so vividly, it's just like yesterday. How could it be? It has been years!! How can I still remember so much, how can the feelings still be so real? Your mind races through many thoughts, your heart is aching with mixed feelings. I must go and see that person now before it's too late! Whatever happened, it's in the past, if I don't see that person now I may regret for life.... but does it mean I forgive that person? Painful scenes flashes before your eyes, how I can I forget? The pain is still so real and deep inside my heart.
On the day you see that person again after that many years, you can hear yourself say "Hello, how are you?" Who's that voice so calm and cold, you wonder, is that my own voice? You take a good look at that person, once black hair has turned completely grey, once strong and broad body has withered into think weak body in a wheel chair. Your heart softened but your head tells you "don't give in, don't fall for it again". You hear that person asks, "where are your kids? I was looking forward to seeing them." Your heart aches some more, is this how I take revenge? "They are somewhere else, I don't think it's suitable for them to come to hospital, they are still so young afterall". You see disappointment and sadness quickly flashes by his eyes. Is this how it's going to end? Will this be the last time I see this person? If it weren't for the two strangers sitting close to that person, you'd have probably screamed "I forgive you, I still love you, you still hold an important place in my heart, even after all that you have done... I still love you". Of course, it didn't happen, you hear youself say "I know you don't believe but I will still pray for you... if you don't mind", this time with a softer tone.
That might be the last time you see that person, or maybe you'll still have anothe chance to see that person, who knows. Some time later, you heard someone telling you that the person's cancer has resided after chemo treatments. You felt relieved and keep praying, this time not about forgiving this person,
Have you ever love someone so much that you think you'd do anything for him/ her? Then one day, you realise the person whom you trust and love so much turns out to be a hypocrite. He/she actually uses your trust and love to hurt you. What do you do? Disappointments, frustrations, and hatred slowly starts to boil up. You run away from that person as far as you could and hope you'd never see or have to talk to him/her again. And you wonder, will I ever be able to stop hating that person? Will I ever be able to forgive that person? Slowly, you start to forget or seem to forget about this person, you move on with life. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to forgive that person one day, time cures everything.
One day, you get a phone call, you hear the news that the person whom you loved and hate has leukemia, your hands start shaking, the palm of you hands start sweating, tears start rolling down your cheeks... and you wonder, do I actually still love that person? Scenes of the past comes flashing before your eyes so vividly, it's just like yesterday. How could it be? It has been years!! How can I still remember so much, how can the feelings still be so real? Your mind races through many thoughts, your heart is aching with mixed feelings. I must go and see that person now before it's too late! Whatever happened, it's in the past, if I don't see that person now I may regret for life.... but does it mean I forgive that person? Painful scenes flashes before your eyes, how I can I forget? The pain is still so real and deep inside my heart.
On the day you see that person again after that many years, you can hear yourself say "Hello, how are you?" Who's that voice so calm and cold, you wonder, is that my own voice? You take a good look at that person, once black hair has turned completely grey, once strong and broad body has withered into think weak body in a wheel chair. Your heart softened but your head tells you "don't give in, don't fall for it again". You hear that person asks, "where are your kids? I was looking forward to seeing them." Your heart aches some more, is this how I take revenge? "They are somewhere else, I don't think it's suitable for them to come to hospital, they are still so young afterall". You see disappointment and sadness quickly flashes by his eyes. Is this how it's going to end? Will this be the last time I see this person? If it weren't for the two strangers sitting close to that person, you'd have probably screamed "I forgive you, I still love you, you still hold an important place in my heart, even after all that you have done... I still love you". Of course, it didn't happen, you hear youself say "I know you don't believe but I will still pray for you... if you don't mind", this time with a softer tone.
That might be the last time you see that person, or maybe you'll still have anothe chance to see that person, who knows. Some time later, you heard someone telling you that the person's cancer has resided after chemo treatments. You felt relieved and keep praying, this time not about forgiving this person,
沒有Derek 的日子
You never really know how important a person is in your life until that person is suddenly away from you. That's how I feel these days when Derek left for his 3 weeks vacation in HK. The first night he was away, Emma woke up crying, saying she feels scared; probably insecure knowing daddy is not home. Then Jack Jack also woke up screaming and crying until I hold him really tight. Then for the whole week, I just simply cannot fall asleep at night. At first I couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep. I thought maybe because I didn't have to do much now that Derek is not at home. We go over to my in-laws for dinner at night, we come home, I only have to bathe Emma, play with her and Jack Jack, and put them to bed. Maybe I am just not tired enough. However, after a few days, even when I am exhausted, I still cannot fall asleep. Something is missing, then I realised that we all miss Derek, we simply miss his presence. As for the kids, they have their own way of expressing their feelings:
- Emma just simply express her feelings through words, "I miss Daddy", " I am worried about Daddy", "I am going to save some french fries for Daddy", "I like this picture because it has Daddy in it, I like Daddy", and prays for Daddy at night before she sleeps. How I love the simplicity of a child.
- Jack Jack on the other hand, who doesn't talk yet, points to the empty bed and make the hand sign of "no more", meaning "no daddy?" He also points to the desktop picture with Derek on it and said "Da Da?"
While I enjoy the laziness, I prefer the presence of Derek. We are counting down on the days he comes back.
- Emma just simply express her feelings through words, "I miss Daddy", " I am worried about Daddy", "I am going to save some french fries for Daddy", "I like this picture because it has Daddy in it, I like Daddy", and prays for Daddy at night before she sleeps. How I love the simplicity of a child.
- Jack Jack on the other hand, who doesn't talk yet, points to the empty bed and make the hand sign of "no more", meaning "no daddy?" He also points to the desktop picture with Derek on it and said "Da Da?"
While I enjoy the laziness, I prefer the presence of Derek. We are counting down on the days he comes back.
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