Monday, June 15, 2009

My Day Off

Today, my princess Emma is sick. Since last night, she has been having a fever. Apparently many children are having this "fever-cough" thing these two weeks. Due to the H1N1 panic, I immediate take the day off and took Emma to see the pediatrician. He said Emma is fine, just stay home, drink lots of fluid and keep on taking Advil to control the fever. I asked him if she has H1N1, not that she has been out of town, but who knows where the kids from her class has been to?! The doctor told me it's hard to say, nowadays, it doesn't really matter because H1N1 is actually just like any other flu, just keep an eye on her and keep her at home. As long as it doesn't get severe, she should be able to fight it off like any other flu.

Feeling relieved, I thought why not take advantage of today and relax. So Emma and I went shopping! We first went grocery shopping to get some fruit and vegetables. Then we went to the bakery to get some bread and egg tart for Jack Jack (he loves egg tarts). Feeling like cheering up my little princess (I rarely buy her any toys, usually just books because I think some toys actually can 'limit' the creativity of a child) I thought "why not get Emma a tea party set today". Emma loves playing tea party, usually she will play at her friend's house. The good thing about Emma is that she doesn't nag me to buy her toys. One time she even said to me, "I really like that mommy but we don't need to buy it, I don't want to waste money. We have other toys at home" I was so touched!!

We went through every aisle in Toys R us, we looked at almost everything except the video games and baby sections. (note, Emma didn't ask me to get her anything, she just said "that's nice, this is nice too, oh look mommy, they have Thomas here.." she just really enjoy walking around looking at things). At the end, I told Emma, "mommy was thinking maybe I will get you a tea party set, would you like that?" and Emma was so excited, jumping up and down. So we found a pretty nice tea party set. Then, I saw some aluminum water bottle that are customized with names. We spent another 20min looking for Emma's name. At first we couldn't find it, but with the help of the salesperson, we found it at last. We also saw some nice princess prints wall borders, I thought, Emma's room is pretty plain compare to some other girls' room, maybe I should help Emma decorate it. Of course Emma loves it. After spending two hours there, we checked out. As we were walking out, we saw some sand boxes display outside the store. Emma saw them and said "wow, so nice"... I asked her if she really want one, she said "yes mommy, I love playing with sand" So I said if daddy said yes then we would buy it. We called daddy up, daddy talked to Emma on the phone... and said "ok, if she really likes it, we can get it. She can play with Jack in the backyard in the evening before dinner" that's better than watching TV I suppose.

Then, we made our last stop at Home Depot to get some play sand. My friend told me Home Depot has very good quality beach sand. So I haul this 20kg of play sand, 3 ft dia. sand box, bags of grocery, toys... back home.

While Princess Emma is napping after taking some Advil to keep her temp down; I prepared soup for tonight, fold laundry, and planning to pack away the winter clothes and pull out summer clothes for myself and Jack Jack (maybe for Emma too if I have time). Gee, what a busy day. But so happy too. Throughout today, I couldn't help but keep on thinking how blessed I am. Such beautiful kids, sweet hubby....


  1. i enjoyed reading this... can't stop myself picturing Emma's exciting face. Did she get better now? Hope everything is fine! Happy to hear that u had a great day!! ^O^

  2. Hahaha. Little Emma must think that it's nice to be sick :) Look like a fun girls-day-out. :)

  3. Watch out! Emma will pretend sick next time to get some more toys~~~~ (kidding)
