Friday, August 28, 2009

My little baby Part II

Yesterday, I took Jack to the pediatrician who gave him some medicine that will clear his congestion and help with the cough. After seeing the doctor, I took Jack to the bakery and got him a piece of sponge cake, which he loves. We got home early, so I cooked him U-don noodle, which is his & Emma's favorite food for dinner. He ate very nicely, we had a good time together watching Dora and reading books. Then came 8pm, Jack was very sleepy and start rolling on the floor. I thought it would be good to put him to bed.
I tried every method you can think of. All the methods you read in books and watch on TV, I tried, and Jack still wouldn't go to bed. He would climb out of his crib, come out and keep crying. He wanted me to sleep with him on the sofa, just like the night before when he wasn't feeling well. The battle went on until 11:30pm. Derek suggested that he stand by the wall until he is willing to go to bed. So he stood there for about 2 hours. YES, 2 hours and he insisted mommy sleeps with him. By 11:30pm, he suddenly crash and fell asleep on the floor. That's when I picked him up and put him to bed. He slept through until 8:20am this morning.
It was an heart-breaking experience. If it wasn't for Derek's encouragement and persistence, I would've given in. Watching my little baby cry with his half opened eyes... it was heart-breaking. One thing I know, Jack is a very headstrong kid and given the right motivation he will persevere until the end.

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